A regional approach to support ISO members and their stakeholders

The institutional capacity of ISO members in the Middle East and North Africa was strengthened and the use of sustainable development standards promoted through the five-year MENA STAR project (2015-2018) with the following results: 

  • Specific ISO standards were implemented to advance the SDGs: a pool of 94 national trainers were trained up in energy management and environmental management.
  • Life-cycle assessment and water footprinting are now available in the region.
  • Six ISO members are in the process of implementing ISO 37001 on anti-bribery management systems within their organizations.
  • The implementation of good standardization practices resulted in optimizing national standards development processes, developing national standardization strategies, setting guidelines on managing participation in international standardization, and developing marketing and communication plans.
  • The implementation of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) was supported by strengthening the national TBT enquiry points and enhancing awareness among regulators on the importance of implementing good regulatory practices and the use of standards as a basis for technical regulations.

Beneficiary countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, State of Palestine, Syria, Tunisia
Donor: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)


“Building sustainable businesses with ISO standards” – Selected case studies from the MENA STAR project
