Sigle Nom
E3G Third Generation Environmentalism Limited
EAFA European Aluminium Foil Association
EAFT Association européenne de terminologie
EAN International International Article Numbering Association
EANM European Association of Nuclear Medicine
EAPF European Alliance for Plant-based Food
EAQUALS Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality in Language Services
EASA European Union Aviation Safety Agency
EASE European Association of Science Editors
EATP Association européenne des polyoléfines textiles
EAWOP European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
EBA European Biogas Association
EBA - boating/navigation Association européenne de navigation de plaisance
EBB European Biodiesel Board
EBI European Boating Industry
EBIA European bedding industries' association
EBN European Biosafety Network
EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EBSA European Biosafety Association
EBU Union européenne de radio-télévision
EC - European Commission Commission européenne
EC4 European Communities Confederation of Clinical Chemistry
ECA - Cocoa European Cocoa Association aisbl
ECB European Central Bank
ECCMA Electronic Commerce Code Management Association (ECCMA)
ECCS Convention européenne de la construction métallique
ECE Groupement d'études des Commissions européennes pour la solidité des teintures et impressions
ECF - caravan Fédération européenne de la caravane
ECI Ethics & Compliance Initiative
Eclipse Foundation AISBL Eclipse Foundation AISBL
ECMA European Cylinder Makers Association
Ecma International Ecma International
ECNL European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
ECO Platform ECO Platform AISBL
ECOS (Environment) Environmental Coalition on Standards
ECPA The European Crop Protection Association
ECRA European Carpet and Rug Association
ECSS European Cooperation for Space Standardization
ECTA European Chemical Transport Association AISBL
ECTAA Groupement des unions nationales des agences et organisateurs de voyages de l'UE
EDANA International associations serving the nonwovens and related industries
EDF Environmental Defense Fund
EDM Council Enterprise Data Management Council
EDPA The Experiential Designers and Producers Association
EDPB European Data Protection Board
EEA European Environment Agency
EEA Inc. Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Inc.
EEB Bureau européen de l'environnement
EFAC European Federation of Associations of Certification bodies
EFAMRO European Federation of Market Research Associations
EFC Fédération européenne de la corrosion
EFCA/FIDIC Fédération internationale des ingénieurs-conseils
EFCO&HPA European Federation of Campingsite Organisations and Holiday Park Associations
EFFCM Fédération européenne des producteurs de fibres-ciment
EFG European Federation of Geologists
EFLM European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
EFPIA Fédération européenne des associations et industries pharmaceutiques
EFSLI European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters
EGMF European Garden Machinery Federation
EHI European Heating Industry
EIC Events Industry Council
EIGA Association Internationale des Gaz Industriels
ELA European Lift Association
ELRA Association Européenne pour les Ressources Linguistiques
EMAS European Microbeam Analysis Society
EMESRT Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table
EMF The Ellen MacArthur Foundation
EMPAIA EMPAIA International e. V.
ENAT European Network for Accessible Tourism a.s.b.l.
ENBIS European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics
ENEP European Network of Environmental Professionals
Energistics Energistics
EnergyTag EnergyTag Ltd
ENISA European Network and Information Security Agency
ENSA European Plant-based Foods Association
EOQ Organisation européenne pour la qualité
EP European Parliament
EPC Conseil Européen des Paiements AISBL
EPF European Panel Federation
EPIC European Packaging Institute Consortium
EPLF European Producers of Laminate Flooring
EPMA European Powder Metallurgy Association
EPN EuroPetNet
EPO Office européen des brevets
EPPMP European Power Press Manufacturers Panel
EPPO Organisation Européenne et Méditerranéenne pour la Protection des Plantes
ERA European Rotogravure Association
ERA (European Railway Agency) European Railway Agency
ERA_European Union Agency for Railways European Union Agency for Railways
ERFMI European Resilient Flooring Manufacturers Institute
ERFO European Recovered Fuel Organisation
ERPA Association européenne de l'Industrie de transformation du papier à roler
ESA Agence spatiale européenne
ESA - spice/épices European Spice Association
ESA Sealing European Sealing Association
ESAO Société européenne pour les organes artificiels
ESBB European, Middlle Eastern and African Society for Biobanking (ESBB)
ESI software (Tecnalia Research & Innovation) European Software Institute (Tecnalia Research & Innovation)
ESOMAR World Association of Research Professionals
ESP Ecosystem Services Partnership
ESTA Association européenne de tabac à fumer
ESTAL European Surface Treatment on Aluminium
ETN European Turbine Network
ETPG European Test Publishers Group
ETRTO Organisation technique européenne du pneu et de la jante
ETSA European Textile Services Association
ETSI Institut européen des normes de télécommunication
ETUC European Trade Union Confederation
ETUI Institut syndical européen
EU Travel Tech EU Travel Tech Organization
EU-STANDS4PM A European standardisation framework for data integration and data-driven in silico models for personalised medicine
EU-VRi European Risk & Resilience Institute
EUATC European Union of Associations of Translation Companies
EUCEET The European Civil Engineering Education and Training Association
EUF European Underwater Federation
EUFIAS European Fireworks Association
EULITA Association européenne d’Interprètes et Traducteurs juridiques
EUMABOIS Fédération Européenne des Constructeurs de Machines à Bois
EUnited Metallurgy EUnited Metallurgy
EuPC European Plastics Converters
EURADOS European radiation dosimetry group
EURAMET European Association of National Metrology Institutes
EURATEX Association européenne de l'habillement et du textile
EUREAU Union Européenne des Associations Nationales des Distributeurs d'Eau
EURIMA Association européenne des fabricants de matériaux d'isolation
EUROCAE Organisation européenne pour l'équipement de l'aviation civile
EUROFEU Comité européen des constructeurs de matériel d'incendie et de secours
Eurofiling Eurofiling Foundation p.f.
EuroFm European Facility Management Network (EuroFM)
EUROGI European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information
Eurogroup for Animals Eurogroup for Animals
Euroheat and Power Euroheat and Power
EUROM Fédération européenne de l'industrie de l'optique et de la mécanique de précision
EUROMOT The European Association of Internal Combustion Engines and Alternative Powertrain Manufacturers
EuropaBio European Association for Bioindustries
European Aluminium European Aluminium
Europeana F. Europeana Foundation (Stichting Europeana)
EUROPERF European Perforators Association
EUROSAC Fédération européenne des fabricants de sacs en papier à grande contenance
EuroSDR European Spatial Data Research
EUROSHORE Euroshore International AISBL
EUROVENT Comité européen des constructeurs de matériel frigorifique
EuroWindoor AISBL European Window, Curtain Wall and Door Manufacturers
EUSPA European Union Agency for the Space Programme
EUTurbines European association of gas and steam turbine manufacturers
EUVEPRO EUVEPRO European Vegetable Proteins Association
EUWA Association des Fabricants Européens de Roues
EVO Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO)
EWA European Welding Association
EWF European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting
EWRIS European Federation of Wire Rope Industries