The method specified can be applied to all types of soil samples. Different procedures are specified for air-dried soil samples, e.g. samples pretreated according to ISO 11464, and for field-moist soil samples. Its principle is drying soil samples to constant mass at 105 °C and using the difference in mass of an amount of soil before and after the drying procedure to calculate the dry matter and water contents on a mass basis. For the determination of soil water content on a volume basis, refer to ISO 11461.
General information
Status: Under development
You can help develop this draft international standard by contacting your national member
Stage: DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks [40.20] -
Edition: 2Number of pages: 14
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 190/SC 3ICS :13.080.20
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Life cycle
PublishedISO 11465:1993
PublishedISO 11465:1993/Cor 1:1994