This document specifies performance requirements for surrogate targets used to assess the system detection and activation performance of active safety systems. This document specifies the properties of an omni-directional multi-purpose Powered Two-Wheeler (PTW) target for assessment of interaction in a variety of traffic scenarios. This document specifies the properties of a PTW target (PTWT) representing a Powered Two-Wheeler in terms of size, shape, reflection properties, etc. for testing purposes. This document addresses the detection requirements for a PTWT in terms of sensing technologies commonly in use at the time of publication of this document, and where possible, anticipated future sensing technologies. It also addresses methodologies to verify the target response properties to these sensors, as well as performance requirements for the target carrier. The PTWTs specified in this document reflect two-wheeled vehicles corresponding to UN Category L3 and to UN Category L1, with the restrictions that the vehicle is not intended for human propulsion (for example pedalling) and its two wheels are inline. Two types of PTWT are specified in this document; one corresponding to a motorcycle and one corresponding to a scooter/moped. This document also addresses requirements for motion and positioning during test for PTWT including target carrier system. This document does not address the test procedures in terms of speeds, positions, or timing of events. Performance criteria for the active safety system are also not addressed.
Общая информация
Текущий статус: В стадии разработкиЭтап: Регистрация окончательного проекта международного стандарта (FDIS) для официального принятия [50.00]
Версия: 1
Технический комитет :ISO/TC 22/SC 33ICS :43.020
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