Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект | Этап | ТК |
Oilseeds — Sampling
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Sampling
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of impurities content
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of impurities content
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of content of impurities
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of hexane extract (or light petroleum extract), called "oil content"
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of hexane extract (or light petroleum extract), called "oil content"
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of oil content (Reference method)
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of oil content (Reference method)
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Reduction of contract samples to analysis samples
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Reduction of laboratory sample to test sample
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Reduction of laboratory sample to test sample
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
90.20 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of acidity of oils
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of acidity of oils
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed meals — Determination of oil content — Part 1: Extraction method with hexane (or light petroleum)
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed meals — Determination of oil content — Part 1: Extraction method with hexane (or light petroleum)
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of oil content — Part 2: Rapid extraction method
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed meals — Determination of oil content — Part 2: Rapid extraction method
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds residues — Determination of hexane extract (or light-petroleum extract), called "oil content"
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed meals — Determination of oil content — Extraction method with hexane (or light petroleum)
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed meals — Determination of oil content — Extraction method with hexane (or light petroleum)
60.60 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of diethyl ether extract
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of total ash
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed meals — Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
60.60 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of total nitrogen content
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oil of aniseed (Pimpinella anisum L.)
95.99 | ISO/TC 54 |
Essential oil of aniseed (Pimpinella anisum L.)
90.20 | ISO/TC 54 |
Oilseed residues — Sampling
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Sampling
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Preparation of test samples
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Preparation of test samples
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds and oilseed residues — Determination of isothiocyanates and vinyl thiooxazolidone
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of total isothiocyanate content and vinylthiooxazolidone content
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Soya-bean products — Determination of urease activity
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Soya bean products — Determination of urease activity
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Soya bean products — Determination of urease activity
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Nomenclature
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Nomenclature
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds, vegetable oils and fats — Nomenclature
90.92 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of oil content — Low resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometric method
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of oil content — Method using continuous-wave low-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (Rapid method)
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Determination of oil content — Method using continuous-wave low-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry (Rapid method) — Technical Corrigendum 1
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Sunflower seed for the manufacture of oil — Specification
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Linseed for the manufacture of oil — Specification
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Soya bean products — Determination of cresol red index
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Soya beans — Specification
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rape (colza) seeds with high erucic acid content — Specification
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rape (colza) seeds with low erucic acid content — Specification
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of total residual hexane
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed — Determination of glucosinolates content — Part 1: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed — Determination of glucosinolates content — Part 1: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography — Amendment 1
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed — Determination of glucosinolates content — Part 2: Method using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed and rapeseed meals — Determination of glucosinolates content — Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of free residual hexane
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed — Determination of chlorophyll content — Spectrometric method
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed — Determination of chlorophyll content — Spectrometric method
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed — Determination of chlorophyll content — Spectrometric method
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed — Determination of chlorophyll content — Spectrometric method — Amendment 1: Preparation of the calibration curve to determine the k factor
60.00 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Simultaneous determination of oil and moisture contents — Method using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Simultaneous determination of oil and water contents — Method using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry
90.92 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Simultaneous determination of oil and water contents — Method using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry
40.00 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Simultaneous determination of oil and water contents — Method using pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed residues — Determination of glucosinolates content — Part 1: Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Rapeseed — Determination of glucosinolate content — Spectrometric method for total glucosinolates by glucose release
60.60 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed meals — Determination of soluble proteins in potassium hydroxide solution
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Food products - Determination of the total nitrogen content by combustion according to the Dumas principle and calculation of the crude protein content — Part 1: Oilseeds and animal feeding stuffs
90.92 | ISO/TC 34 |
Oilseeds — Extraction of oil and preparation of methyl esters of triglyceride fatty acids for analysis by gas chromatography (Rapid method)
95.99 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Extraction of oil and preparation of methyl esters of triglyceride fatty acids for analysis by gas chromatography (rapid method)
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Application of near infrared spectrometry
40.60 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseeds — Manual or automatic discontinuous sampling
90.92 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
Oilseed meals — Determination of oil content — Rapid extraction method
90.93 | ISO/TC 34/SC 2 |
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