Фильтр :
Стандарт и/или проект находящийся в компетенции ISO/TC 85/SC 5 Секретариата | Этап | ICS |
Nuclear energy — Fissile materials — Principles of criticality safety in storing, handling and processing
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Fissile materials — Principles of criticality safety in storing, handling and processing
90.93 | |
Nuclear energy — Fissile materials — Principles of criticality safety in storing, handling and processing — Amendment 1: Methods of control and safety equipment
60.60 | |
Radioactive materials — Packagings — Test for contents leakage and radiation leakage
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Preparation of spikes for isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS)
60.60 | |
Long-term leach testing of solidified radioactive waste forms
95.99 | |
Standard method for testing the long term alpha irradiation stability of solidified high-level radioactive waste forms
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Standard method for testing the long-term alpha irradiation stability of matrices for solidification of high-level radioactive waste
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids — Part 1: Iron(II) reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation titrimetric method
90.92 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids — Part 1: Iron(II) reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation titrimetric method
50.00 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids — Part 2: Iron(II) reduction/cerium(IV) oxidation titrimetric method
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids — Part 2: Iron(II) reduction/cerium(IV) oxidation titrimetric method
60.60 | |
Determination of uranium in reactor fuel solutions and in uranium product solutions — Iron (II) sulfate reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation titrimetric method
95.99 | |
Packaging of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) for transport
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Packaging of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) for transport
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Packagings for the transport of uranium hexafluoride (UF6)
60.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Packagings for the transport of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) — Amendment 1: Welded version and new type of valve for 1S and 2S cylinders
40.00 | |
Determination of uranium in uranyl nitrate solutions of nuclear grade quality — Gravimetric method
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in uranyl nitrate solutions of nuclear grade quality — Gravimetric method
90.93 | |
Nuclear energy — Performance and testing requirements for criticality detection and alarm systems
95.99 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Use of criticality accident alarm systems for operations
60.60 | |
Determination of plutonium in nitric acid solutions — Method by oxidation by cerium(IV), reduction by iron(II) ammonium sulfate and amperometric back-titration with potassium dichromate
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of milligram amounts of plutonium in nitric acid solutions — Potentiometric titration with potassium dichromate after oxidation by Ce(IV) and reduction by Fe(II)
90.60 | |
Determination of isotopic content and concentration of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid solution — Mass spectrometric method
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of the isotopic and elemental uranium and plutonium concentrations of nuclear materials in nitric acid solutions by thermal-ionization mass spectrometry
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of the isotopic and elemental uranium and plutonium concentrations of nuclear materials in nitric acid solutions by thermal-ionization mass spectrometry
90.93 | |
Determination of plutonium content in plutonium dioxide (PuO2) of nuclear grade quality — Gravimetric method
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of plutonium content in plutonium dioxide of nuclear grade quality — Gravimetric method
90.93 | |
Guidelines for managing knowledge to support radioactive waste management — Part 1: Purpose and Overview of ISO 8345 and Introduction to Knowledge Management
30.60 |
Guidelines for managing knowledge to support radioactive waste management — Part 2: Vision and strategy
20.00 |
Determination of plutonium in pure plutonium nitrate solutions — Gravimetric method
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of plutonium in pure plutonium nitrate solutions — Gravimetric method
90.93 | |
Decommissioning of medical cyclotron
40.60 | |
Uranium dioxide powder and sintered pellets — Determination of oxygen/uranium atomic ratio — Amperometric method
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Uranium dioxide powder and sintered pellets — Determination of oxygen/uranium atomic ratio by the amperometric method
90.93 | |
Uranium metal and uranium dioxide powder and pellets — Determination of nitrogen content — Method using ammonia-sensing electrode
90.60 | |
Uranium dioxide powder — Determination of apparent density and tap density
95.99 | |
Uranium dioxide powder — Determination of apparent density and tap density
90.93 | |
Uranium dioxide pellets — Determination of density and amount of open and closed porosity — Boiling water method and penetration immersion method
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy - Uranium dioxide pellets — Determination of density and volume fraction of open and closed porosity
90.93 | |
Uranium dioxide pellets — Determination of density and total porosity — Mercury displacement method
90.60 | |
Nitric acid feed solutions from reprocessing plants — Spectrophotometric determination of plutonium after oxidation to plutonium(VI)
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of plutonium in nitric acid solutions by spectrophotometry
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of plutonium in nitric acid solutions by spectrophotometry
90.93 | |
Determination of carbon content in uranium dioxide powder and sintered pellets — Resistance furnace combustion — Titrimetric/coulometric/infrared absorbtion method
90.93 | |
Determination of carbon content in uranium dioxide powder and sintered pellets — High-frequency induction furnace combustion — Titrimetric/coulometric/infrared absorption methods
90.93 | |
Uranium metal, uranium dioxide powder and pellets, and uranyl nitrate solutions — Determination of fluorine content — Fluoride ion selective electrode method
90.93 | |
Subsampling of uranium hexafluoride in the liquid phase
90.60 | |
Determination of uranium in uranium dioxide powder and pellets — Iron(II) sulfate reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation titrimetric method
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Fuel technology — Trunnions for packages used to transport radioactive material
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Fuel technology — Trunnion systems for packages used to transport radioactive material
90.60 | |
Validation of the strength of reference solutions used for measuring concentrations
90.93 | |
Determination of uranium in reprocessing plants dissolver solution — Liquid chromatography method
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of uranium in reprocessing-plant dissolver solution — Liquid chromatography method
90.60 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Critical values for homogeneous plutonium-uranium oxide fuel mixtures outside of reactors
90.93 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Critical values for homogeneous plutonium-uranium oxide fuel mixtures outside of reactors — Amendment 1: Corrections and clarifications
60.60 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Emergency preparedness and response
90.93 | |
Guidelines for plutonium dioxide (PuO2) sampling in a nuclear reprocessing plant
90.60 | |
Preparation of plutonium sources and determination of 238Pu/239Pu isotope ratio by alpha spectrometry
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Preparation of plutonium sources and determination of 238Pu/239Pu isotope ratio by alpha spectrometry
90.92 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Preparation of plutonium sources and determination of 238Pu/239Pu isotope ratio by alpha spectrometry
20.00 |
Verification of samples of uranyl or plutonium nitrate solutions by density measurements
95.99 | |
Requirements for representative sampling of uranyl nitrate solutions for the determination of uranium concentration
95.99 | |
Determination of gas porosity and gas permeability of hydraulic binders containing embedded radioactive waste
90.93 | |
Activity measurements of solid materials considered for recycling, re-use or disposal as non-radioactive waste
90.92 | |
Activity measurements of solid materials considered for recycling, re-use or disposal as non-radioactive waste
30.60 |
Controlled-potential coulometric assay of plutonium
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Controlled-potential coulometric assay of plutonium
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Controlled-potential coulometric assay of plutonium
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Controlled-potential coulometric measurement of plutonium
60.60 | |
Determination of solubility in nitric acid of plutonium in unirradiated mixed oxide fuel pellets (U,Pu)O2
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Uranium dioxide powder and pellets — Determination of uranium and oxygen/uranium ratio by gravimetric method with impurity correction
90.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of nitrogen content in UO2, (U,Gd)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 sintered pellets — Inert gas extraction and conductivity detection method
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Guide to the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium oxide powders by the BET method
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Guidelines on the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium oxide powders by the BET method
90.92 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Guidelines on the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium oxide powders by the BET method
20.00 |
Representative sampling of plutonium nitrate solutions for determination of plutonium concentration
90.60 | |
Safe transport of radioactive materials — Leakage testing on packages
95.99 | |
Safe transport of radioactive materials — Leakage testing on packages
90.92 | |
Safe transport of radioactive materials — Leakage testing on packages
20.00 |
Nuclear-grade plutonium dioxide powder for fabrication of light water reactor MOX fuel — Guidelines to help in the definition of a product specification
90.93 | |
Simultaneous determination of uranium and plutonium in dissolver solutions from reprocessing plants — Combined method using K-absorption edge and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
90.93 | |
Determination of neptunium in nitric acid solutions by molecular absorption spectrophotometry
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of neptunium in nitric acid solutions by spectrophotometry
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of neptunium in nitric acid solutions by spectrophotometry
60.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Waste-packages activity measurement — Part 1: High-resolution gamma spectrometry in integral mode with open geometry
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Administrative criteria related to nuclear criticality safety
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Chemical separation and purification of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid solutions for isotopic and isotopic dilution analysis by solvent extraction chromatography — Part 1: Samples containing plutonium in the microgram range and uranium in the milligram range
90.60 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Chemical separation and purification of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid solutions for isotopic and isotopic dilution analysis by solvent extraction chromatography — Part 2: Samples containing plutonium and uranium in the nanogram range and below
90.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Chemical separation and purification of uranium and plutonium in nitric acid solutions for isotopic and dilution analysis by solvent chromatography
95.99 | |
Re-sintering test for UO2, (U,Gd)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 pellets
90.93 | |
Nuclear energy — Isotopic analysis of uranium hexafluoride — Double-standard gas-source mass spectrometric method
90.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of total hydrogen content in PuO2 and UO2 powders and UO2, (U,Gd)O2 and (U,Pu)O2 sintered pellets — Inert gas extraction and conductivity detection method
90.93 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Estimation of the number of fissions of a postulated criticality accident
90.93 | |
Nuclear energy — Evaluation of homogeneity of Gd distribution within gadolinium fuel blends and determination of Gd2O3 content in gadolinium fuel pellets by measurements of uranium and gadolinium elements
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Guide for ceramographic preparation of UO2 sintered pellets for microstructure examination
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Guidelines for ceramographic preparation of UO2 sintered pellets for microstructure examination
90.93 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of carbon compounds and fluorides in uranium hexafluoride infrared spectrometry
90.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of Gd2O3 content of gadolinium fuel pellets by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of Gd2O3 content in pellets containing uranium oxide by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
60.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of Gd2O3 content in gadolinium fuel blends and gadolinium fuel pellets by atomic emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-AES)
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of Gd2O3 content in gadolinium fuel blends and gadolinium fuel pellets by atomic emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-AES)
60.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Soxhlet-mode chemical durability test — Application to vitrified matrixes for high-level radioactive waste
90.93 | |
Nuclear energy — Nuclear fuel technology — Theoretical activation calculation method to evaluate the radioactivity of activated waste generated at nuclear reactors
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Tank calibration and volume determination for nuclear materials accountancy — Part 1: Procedural overview
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Tank calibration and volume determination for nuclear materials accountancy — Part 2: Data standardization for tank calibration
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Tank calibration and volume determination for nuclear materials accountancy — Part 3: Statistical methods
90.60 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Tank calibration and volume determination for nuclear materials accountancy — Part 4: Accurate determination of liquid height in accountancy tanks equipped with dip tubes, slow bubbling rate
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Tank calibration and volume determination for nuclear materials accountancy — Part 5: Accurate determination of liquid height in accountancy tanks equipped with dip tubes, fast bubbling rate
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Tank calibration and volume determination for nuclear materials accountancy — Part 6: Accurate in-tank determination of liquid density in accountancy tanks equipped with dip tubes
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Dissolution of plutonium dioxide-containing materials — Part 1: Dissolution of plutonium dioxide powders
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Dissolution of plutonium dioxide-containing materials — Part 2: Dissolution of MOX pellets and powders
90.93 | |
Nuclear energy — Guidance to the evaluation of measurement uncertainties of impurity in uranium solution by linear regression analysis
90.93 | |
Characterisation principles for soils, buildings and infrastructures contaminated by radionuclides for remediation purposes
90.93 | |
Guidance for gamma spectrometry measurement of radioactive waste
90.93 | |
Nuclear energy — Nuclear fuel technology — Scaling factor method to determine the radioactivity of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste packages generated at nuclear power plants
90.93 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Geometrical dimensions for subcriticality control — Equipment and layout
90.93 | |
Determination of solubility in nitric acid of plutonium in unirradiated mixed oxide fuel pellets (U, Pu) O2
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Determination of the O/M ratio in MOX pellets — Gravimetric method
95.99 | |
Nuclear Energy — Fuel technology — Determination of the O/M ratio in MOX pellets by the gravimetric method
90.60 | |
(U, Pu)O2 Powders and sintered pellets — Determination of chlorine and fluorine
90.93 | |
Determination of carbon content of UO2, (U, Gd)O2 and (U, Pu)O2 powders and sintered pellets — Combustion in a high-frequency induction furnace — Infrared absorption spectrometry
90.60 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Alpha spectrometry — Part 1: Determination of neptunium in uranium and its compounds
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Alpha spectrometry — Part 2: Determination of plutonium in uranium and its compounds
90.93 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Alpha spectrometry — Part 3: Determination of uranium 232 in uranium and its compounds
90.93 | |
Principles of determination of groundwater remediation targets for in-situ leaching uranium mining
20.60 |
Nuclear fuel technology — Sintered (U,Pu)O2 pellets — Guidance for ceramographic preparation for microstructure examination
95.99 | |
Nuclear fuel technology — Sintered (U,Pu)O2 pellets — Guidance for ceramographic preparation for microstructure examination
60.60 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of chlorine and fluorine in uranium dioxide powder and sintered pellets
95.99 | |
Nuclear energy — Determination of chlorine and fluorine in uranium dioxide powder and sintered pellets
90.93 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Solid waste excluding irradiated and non-irradiated nuclear fuel
90.20 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Nuclear criticality safety training for operations
60.60 | |
Test of buffer material under coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical conditions for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste — Part 1: Swelling pressure test
20.60 |
Management of radioactive waste from nuclear facilities — Part 1: General principles, objectives and practical approaches
60.60 | |
Management of radioactive waste from nuclear facilities — Part 2: Pre-disposal
20.00 |
Nuclear energy — Nuclear fuel technology — Methodologies for radioactivity characterization of very low-level waste (VLLW) generated by nuclear facilities
60.60 | |
Determination of uranium content in samples coming from the nuclear fuel cycle by L-absorption edge spectrometry
60.60 | |
Nuclear technology — Nuclear fuels — Procedures for the measurement of elemental impurities in uranium- and plutonium-based materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
90.93 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Analysis of a postulated criticality accident
90.93 | |
Nuclear criticality safety — Evaluation of systems containing PWR UOX fuels — Bounding burnup credit approach
90.93 |
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