International Standard
ISO/DIS 31657-3
Plain bearings — Hydrodynamic plain journal bearings under steady-state conditions — Part 3: Functions for calculation of tilting pad journal bearings
Reference number
ISO/DIS 31657-3
Edition 1
Projet Norme internationale
ISO/DIS 31657-3
Indisponible en français
Projet de Norme internationale au stade enquête auprès des membres de l’ISO.
Remplacera ISO/TS 31657-3:2020

ISO/DIS 31657-3

ISO/DIS 31657-3
CHF 65
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This document specifies the characteristic values for selected tilting-pad journal bearings with four or five centrally or eccentrically supported tilting pads and with angular spans of pad sliding surfaces of Ω = 80°, 60° and 45°.

The functions plotted and listed in table form below are required for the operationally safe design of hydrodynamic tilting-pad journal bearings according to ISO/TS 31657-1. They are based on the presumptions and boundary conditions indicated there and only apply to stationary operating states. The symbols used are explained in ISO/TS 31657-1; calculation examples are also included there.

The calculation method described in ISO/TS 31657-1 can also be used for other tilting-pad journal bearing designs, if the numerical solutions of the basic equations are available in the same manner for these designs.

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