Numéro de référence
ISO 37001:2016
Norme internationale
ISO 37001:2016
Systèmes de management anti-corruption — Exigences et recommandations de mise en oeuvre
Edition 1
ISO 37001:2016
Publiée (Edition 1, 2016)
Cette publication a été révisée et confirmée pour la dernière fois en 2022. Cette édition reste donc d’actualité.
Cette norme comprend 1 amendement.

ISO 37001:2016

ISO 37001:2016
CHF 177
Convertir les francs suisses (CHF) dans une autre devise

What is ISO 37001?

ISO 37001 is the international standard for anti-bribery management systems. It specifies requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing, and improving a system aimed at preventing, detecting, and responding to bribery. This standard can function as a standalone system or be integrated into an overall management framework and is applicable to organizations of all types, across the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. The most recent update, ISO 37001:2025, includes enhanced provisions on compliance culture, climate change impacts, conflict of interest management, and further clarifications on the anti-bribery function, ensuring alignment with the latest international practices and other management system standards.

Why is ISO 37001 important?

ISO 37001 is important because it provides organizations with a systematic approach to prevent and manage bribery risk, which is a pervasive issue that undermines governance, increases the cost of doing business, and distorts competition. The standard helps organizations establish a culture of integrity, transparency, and compliance, critical for maintaining trust and confidence in business operations. It supports compliance with anti-bribery laws and helps manage the organization's reputation by demonstrating commitment to ethical practices.


Benefits of ISO 37001

  •  Risk management: Reduces the risks of bribery and its associated legal, financial, and reputational costs
  • Compliance enhancement: Assists organizations in meeting legal and regulatory requirements, avoiding penalties and lawsuits
  •  Operational improvement: Introduces systematic controls that improve overall efficiency and effectiveness in managing bribery risks
  •  Stakeholder confidence: Enhances trust among investors, customers, and the public by demonstrating commitment to ethical business practices


This standard is designed for any organization, regardless of size or sector, that wishes to proactively manage bribery risk. It is particularly beneficial for organizations operating in high-risk environments or industries prone to bribery.

The 2025 revision includes additional focus on compliance culture and climate change, addresses conflicts of interest, clarifies the role of the anti-bribery function, and harmonizes its content with other ISO standards for better integration.

ISO 37001 follows the high-level structure (Annex SL) used by other ISO management standards, which facilitates integration with systems like ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management).

Informations générales


Des amendements sont publiés lorsqu’il s’avère que de nouveaux éléments doivent être ajoutés à un document normatif existant. Ils peuvent également inclure des corrections d’ordre rédactionnel ou technique à appliquer au document en vigueur.

Amendement 1

Changements concernant les actions en lien avec le climat

Edition 2024

ISO 37001:2016/Amd 1:2024
Frais d'expédition non compris

Cycle de vie

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