ISO 2599:2003 specifies a titrimetric method for the determination of the phosphorus content of iron ores, using hexaammonium heptamolybdate (ammonium molybdate).
This method is applicable to a concentration range of 0,10 % (m/m) to 5,0 % (m/m) of phosphorus in natural iron ores, and iron ore concentrates and agglomerates including sinter products.
This International Standard provides a quality control method for the determination of phosphorus by titration, however, the method cannot be used for referee purposes.
Informations générales
État actuel: PubliéeDate de publication: 2003-02Stade: Clôture de l'examen [90.60]
Edition: 3
Comité technique :ISO/TC 102/SC 2ICS :73.060.10
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Cycle de vie
AnnuléeISO 2599:1983
PubliéeISO 2599:2003
Les normes ISO sont réexaminées tous les cinq ans
Stade: 90.60 (En cours d'examen)