Information technology — Business operational view — Part 7: eBusiness vocabulary — Amendment 1: Addition of clause 3 entries in ISO/IEC 15944-8, ISO/IEC 15944-9, ISO/IEC 15944-12, ISO/IEC 15944-16, ISO/IEC 15944-17, ISO/IEC 15944-20 and ISO/IEC 15944-21 to Annexes A, B and C and related changes
ISO/IEC 15944-7:2009/FDAmd 1Information technology — Business operational view — Part 7: eBusiness vocabularyAmendment 1: Addition of clause 3 entries in ISO/IEC 15944-8, ISO/IEC 15944-9, ISO/IEC 15944-12, ISO/IEC 15944-16, ISO/IEC 15944-17, ISO/IEC 15944-20 and ISO/IEC 15944-21 to Annexes A, B and C and related changes