La energía nuclear ofrece una solución energética de alta densidad con bajas emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Las normas de este sector garantizan los más altos niveles de seguridad, protección frente a la radiación y eficiencia operacional. Las normas ISO apoyan la expansión segura de la tecnología nuclear, abordan los problemas de salud pública y mejoran el rendimiento de las instalaciones nucleares.


Construir un camino sostenible hacia los informes ASG

El impulso hacia un futuro más sostenible ha propulsado las consideraciones ASG, o ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza, en su forma completa, a la primera línea de las reuniones de los consejos de administración de las empresas de todo el mundo.

Nuclear plant.

Por Clare Naden el

New standard to improve safety in the nuclear sector

Improving safety is a key objective of most industries and boosting the quality of the products and services that contribute to safety is necessary to achieve it. The nuclear sector is set to benefit with a new ISO standard that does just that.

An arch bridge in Kromlau, Germany.

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Keep calm – the first rule of business continuity

Some things are hard to predict. And others are unlikely. In business, as in life, both can happen at the same time, catching us off guard. The consequences can cause major disruption, which makes proper planning, through business continuity management, an essential tool for businesses that want to go the distance.

Sample standards

Nuclear energy — Fuel technology — Trunnions for packages used to transport radioactive material

Nuclear criticality safety — Estimation of the number of fissions of a postulated criticality accident

Measurement of radioactivity in the environment — Soil
Part 7: In situ measurement of gamma-emitting radionuclides

Radiological protection — Minimum criteria for electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy for retrospective dosimetry of ionizing radiation
Part 1: General principles

Water quality — Plutonium, americium, curium and neptunium — Test method using alpha spectrometry

Water quality — Radium-226
Part 2: Test method using emanometry