Access consumer publications and presentations and information on COPOLCO events, or download a list of consumer standards published by ISO.

Key areas for consumers

Key areas programme 
Key areas Annual Report

ISO/IEC Guides prepared by COPOLCO

The full list of guides developed by COPOLCO is available in our Standards catalogue.

COPOLCO is also contributing to ISO/IEC Guide 71, Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities.

Many of these belong to a collection of publicly-available Guides.​ Learn more about ISO Guides.

Examples of consumer participation and member case studies

ISO has created a directory of case studies that show how members are involving consumers in their work.

There is also a publicly-accessible information area where members share resources on a range of topics including privacy in the digital economy, ethical use of data, uses of Artificial Intelligence and enabling consumer participation. 

ISO has guidance for national standards bodies on engaging stakeholders and building consensus.

A brief overview of the role, activities and added value of the ISO Committee on consumer policy (ISO/COPOLCO), and how to get involved in ISO’s work to engage the consumer’s point of view in standards and policy development.
Smart phones
Consumers and standards: Partnership for a better world
Learn how consumers can engage in standards with this free online tutorial
This brochure provides national standards bodies and other standards development organizations with practical guidance on achieving consumer participation in standardization. It covers why and when to engage consumers, the added value of their participation, how to organize it effectively and what it …