

Standardization in the field of microbeam analysis (measurement, parameters, methods and reference materials) which uses electrons as an incident beam and electrons or photons as the detection signal. The use of ions for sample preparation and analysis in an electron microscope is also included, with the exception of techniques which use mass-filtered ions as the detected species.

Excluded: Surface analysis techniques which come under the remit of ISO/TC 201.


The purpose is to analyze the compositional and structural characteristics of solid materials. The volume of analysis will generally involve a depth up to 10 micrometers and a surface area less than 100 square micrometers.

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Sustainable Development Goals

This committee contributes with 7 standards to the following Sustainable Development Goal:


Published ISO standards *

of which 9 under the direct responsibility of ISO/TC 202


ISO standards under development *

of which 2 under the direct responsibility of ISO/TC 202

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 202

The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 202:


Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 202

ISO/TC 202 can access the documents of the committees below:


Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)

ISO/TC 202 - Secretariat

SAC (China)

Institute of Chemistry
Bei Yi Jie 2#, ZhongGuanCun
Beijing 100190

Tel: +86 10 82 61 84 76
Fax: +86 10 82 61 84 76