

Standardization in the field of animal feeding stuffs including: terminology, sampling, methods of test and analysis in quality control, specifications of raw material & finished product, guidelines and requirements for packaging, storage and transportation

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Published ISO standards *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
ISO/TC 34/SC 10/WG 11 Feed grade maize Working group
ISO/TC 34/SC 10/WG 12 Phytase activity Working group
ISO/TC 34/SC 10/WG 13 Fish meal Working group
Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 34/SC 10

The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 34/SC 10:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 34/SC 4 Cereals and pulses ISO
ISO/TC 93 Starch (including derivatives and by-products) ISO
ISO/TC 134 Fertilizers, soil conditioners and beneficial substances ISO
ISO/TC 293 Feed machinery ISO


Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 34/SC 10

ISO/TC 34/SC 10 can access the documents of the committees below:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 34/SC 4 Cereals and pulses ISO
ISO/TC 69 Applications of statistical methods ISO
ISO/TC 293 Feed machinery ISO


Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym Title Category
AOAC INTERNATIONAL AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Association of Analytical Communities A
CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission A
EC - European Commission European Commission A
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations A
ICC - cereals International Association for Cereal Science and Technology A
IFFO International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation A
IFIF International Feed Industry Federation A
WOAH World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) A
WCO World Customs Organization B

ISO/TC 34/SC 10 - Secretariat

INSO (Iran, Islamic Republic of)

Iran National Standards Organization
No.: 2592
South West Vanak Square,
P.O. Box: 14155-6139
Iran, Islamic Republic of

Tel: +98 26 32807045
Fax: +98 26 32818787